
Two lecturers and one student from UIN Satu Tulungagung had the opportunity to present their scientific work in the Ulumuna Journal indexed by Sinta 2. They were Dr. Ahmad Nurcholis and Dr. Moh. Arif and Wiwik Sunarsih. Dr. Ois represents the presentation that will be held online on Saturday, October 2, 2021..

He says that the less than optimal of Islamic dakwah in the heterogeneous community caused by some dai who only focus on the lecturing method and communities’ religious fanaticism. Dakwah activity as an obligation for Muslims must penetrate all religious communities. The purpose of this article is to describe, analyze, and interpret the social dakwah carried out by Sayid Ahmad that could create religious harmony and tolerance in Tulungagung.

This is qualitative research with phenomenological analysis. Researchers stand on the grand theory of structural functionalism proposed by Talcott Parsons (2015) that the structure of society and the interrelationships of various structures are seen to be mutually supportive of dynamic equilibrium. This theory focused on how good order is maintained between various elements of society.

The results of the research are: Sayyid Ahmad used social dakwah approach by establishing economic harmonization, building schools and boarding schools as institutions to teach tolerance values, building mosques with different religions adherents to realize the meaning of tolerance, building facilities and infrastructure of the mosque in providing services and comfort to the worshiper of the mosque. Sayid Ahmad also teaches the pillars of tolerance and harmony between religious communities by serving and helping anyone, giving justice to anyone, and respecting other religions.

The conference will be held on Saturday 2nd October 2021, from 8.30 a.m. until 4.30 p.m. Indonesian middle time (WITA, which is an hour ahead of western time/WIB). Please see the rundown in this email attachment. Due to the Covid-19 pandemy, the conference will use a mixed method: offline for the local participants and online for those who are outside of Lombok.  A Zoom link is provided for each panel. For example, for the Opening and Keynote Speech (8.30-9.00): Meeting ID: 878 0498 7773 Passcode: 904586. Please find the details in the flyers.

The keynote speech will be delivered by two distinguished professors, Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid, professor of political science at School of Distance Education, Universiti Sains Malaysia, and Eva F. Nisa, senior lecturer at School of Culture, History and Language, Australian National University of Singapore. There are four panels: two panels in Islamic theology and two others in Sufism. Each panel consists of a moderator, three panelists and a discussant, who will give feedback and comments to the presentation. Members of the co-author may join their fellow panelist. The last session discuss the follow up of the publication of the presented paper. (ois arif wiwik)


Ahmad Nurcholis, Moh. Arif, and Wiwik Sunarsih

UIN Satu Tulungagung

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